Read Dr. Oktay's Interview with Inverse Magazine on delaying menopause with ovarian tissue freezing
The new Dead Ringers TV Series claims all you need to do is freeze some ovarian tissue, but experts say it's not that simple.
By Miriam Fauzia
Oct 17, 2014 by Jillian Berman, Huffington Post. - Apple and Amazon covers egg freezing, Dr. Oktay interviewed.....
"Most women who want elective egg freezing present themselves at not an ideal age," said Dr. Kutluk Oktay, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York Medical College who is a co-author of an analysis of several studies that included 1,805 patients who froze their eggs.
Still, that hasn't stopped the media, egg-freezing startups, fertility clinics and now implicitly Facebook and Apple from touting egg freezing as a remedy for women who don't want to take time out of an ascendant career to start a family.