Read Dr. Oktay's Interview with Inverse Magazine on delaying menopause with ovarian tissue freezing
The new Dead Ringers TV Series claims all you need to do is freeze some ovarian tissue, but experts say it's not that simple. By Miriam Fauzia
In this book, Dr. Oktay shares his pioneering work on ovarian tissue freezing and transplantation with the world. Dr. Oktay and colleagues write about all aspects of preserving fertility and ovarian function by ovarian freezing and transplantation. Dr. Oktay also presents a unique approach to delay menopause by ovarian tissue freezing. The book also contains a foreword by a successful ovarian transplant recipient. It's a must read for clinicians, scientists, embryologists, fellows, students and patients who are interested in ovarian tissue cryopreservation.
World’s top expertise in fertility preservation and infertility
Kutluk Oktay, MD, Ph.D., FACOG is a board-certified infertility specialist, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University, and world-renowned pioneer in IVF and fertility preservation. At Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF, Dr. Oktay and his staff offer several treatment options, including:
Dr. Oktay attracts patients throughout the greater New York City area, with a location in Manhattan, as well as patients from all over the United States and other countries. As a reproductive specialist, Dr. Oktay offers his patients the latest technological advancements in the fields of endocrinology, infertility, and fertility preservation.
Dr. Oktay is known all over the world as a leader in the areas of fertility and reproductive health. He received his medical degree from Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara, Turkey. After completing his OB/GYN residency at the University of Connecticut Health Service Center in Farmington, Connecticut, he went on to earn two fellowships. The first was in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas and the other was in the field of reproductive biology. He earned his second fellowship at Leeds University School of Medicine/Leeds General Infirmary in Leeds, United Kingdom.
Subsequently, he was awarded a Ph.D. from the University of Gent in Gent, Belgium.
Dr. Oktay has received numerous awards and written many articles on the subject of infertility and fertility preservation. His medical breakthroughs earned him recognition around the globe.
Dr. Oktay’s team published the world’s first age-specific egg freezing success rates. Determine your success with our online formula.
Dr. Oktay In the News
Watch Dr. Oktay discuss fertility and early menopause
Click here to read more
The new Dead Ringers TV Series claims all you need to do is freeze some ovarian tissue, but experts say it's not that simple. By Miriam Fauzia
You just learned your child has cancer, and now you must quickly absorb a barrage of information and make fast treatment decisions. But before you move ahead, consider another life-changing decision: Do you want to preserve your child’s fertility?
Many cancer treatments affect fertility in girls and women. With ovarian tissue freezing and transplantation, you can preserve your reproductive ability and restore your fertility following remission.